35 year old female
35 year old female patient ,resident of Nakrekal came to OPD with Chief complaints of Fever since 1 week Left sided headache since 7 days History of burning micturation since 5 days History of presenting illness: Patient was apparently asymtomatic 10 year back then she developed unexplained weight gain and fatigue for which she went to local hospital where she found to be Hypothyroidism and she was on thyroxine medication since then. Two years back her Thyroxine dose is increased to 75mcg daily. One week back she developed Fever which used to start raise in evening and the peak at mid night and intermittent in nature relieved on medication. Associated with chills and headache Not associated with nausea, vomiting,rashes,bodypain. History of Unliateral left sided headache since 7 days .It was severe headache,Throbbing type of painin left fronto , parieto and occipital region, which is radiating to neck. Associated with phonphobia and decrease in regular...