A 32 year ald male

Patient complaining of decreased appetite since 10 days , fever since 10 days
Vomiting since 7 days associated with pain in abdomen,
History excessive alcohol intake since 1 month , aggrevated since last 7 days
Loss of weight since 10 days 
No H/O fever and lose stools

History of presenting illness : 
Patient is asymptomatic 10 days back then he had loss of appetite and took no food since then and had excess of alcohol . He developed low grade fever 10 days back , sudden in onset , low grade , intermittent , relieved on medication, associated with rigors , no sweating and no evening rise of temperature.
Vomiting since 7 days back , multiple episodes in a day like every 1 hour , bilious, Foul smelling, non projectile , not associated with abdominal pain , no headache, no diminision or blurring of vision .

Past history: 
No history of Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, TB , Asthma and No history of any cardiovascular disease

History of 2 episodes of admission in hospital in view of jaundice which relieved on medication.

Personal history: 

Labourer by occupation
Appetite - Lost 
Non vegetarian
Bowel movements are irregular 
Passage of urine - Normal
No known allergies 
Addiction - Drinks alcohol daily ( whisky) , 90-180 ml before dinner.

No significant Family history .

General examination: 
Patient is well oriented to time , place and person, but irritable and unresponsive .
Weight - 39 kg 

Pallor - present 
icterus - present 
Clubbing.        } ABSENT

Pulse - 120 bpm
BP - 120 / 70 mmHg
SpO2 - 98% 
GRBS - 93 mg %

Systemic examination : 
CVS examination:
S1 , S2 heard 
No murmurs detected 

Respiratory system examination: 
No wheeze , No Dyspnea 
Trachea - central 
Breath sounds - Vesicular

Abdominal examination : 
Shape - scaphoid, symmetrical
No change in colour of skin .
No striae , brushing or scar 
No dilated veins 
No abdominal swelling
Umbilicus central 

No tenderness
Guarding and rigidity are absent, No rebound tenderness 
Hepatosplenomegaly detected with liver span of 20 cm
Spleen is palpable
Abdomen is rigid 

Percussion - liver span is 20 cm approx
Auscultation : Normal bowel sounds

Provisional diagnosis:
Alcoholic ketoacidosis
Starvation ketoacidosis 


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